Top 8 Tips on Taking Quality Photos for your Listing
The bottom line is - Photos are the first thing people look at when deciding whether or not they are interested in renting a room. In fact, listings with higher quality photos will almost always get more views, more interest and will be contacted much quicker - so it's definitely worth spending a bit of time getting the best photos possible.
To help you make your listing shine we've put together 8 of our top tips on how to get the most out of your photos.
1. Take photos in the daytime to ensure the lighting feels natural.
2. Ensure the photos are high quality. Blurred & low-res photos really put people off.
3. Open the curtains, but just be aware that taking a photo towards the window can result in the rest of the room looking very dark.
4. Experiment with angles. Take a few shots in each room and pick the best ones.
5. Use a good camera. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive piece of equipment, but just ensuring you use a decent phone camera can make a massive difference. (Ask to borrow someone else’s phone if yours is not up to the task)
6. Post multiple photos. We have seen that people respond better to listing that have multiple photos of the house/flat. People want to know more about the rest of the house.
7. Think about whether the photos would make you want to view the place.
8. Have some fun with it. It may feel like a bit of a chore, but it can be quite fun to spend 30 minutes getting some great shots. And when you find the perfect flatmate that will be 30 minutes well spent.
Here are a few photos which really stand out. Can you top them? 📸